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How Grim Was Your School?

Mice. Prefabs. A weird smell. You know what we mean.

grimschoolquiz Source: Geograph.ie

Note: When we say ‘grim’, we say it with love. Sure, most people liked their school, but the grim elements can never be ignored.

1. First of all, did your school have a strange and unusual smell?
Yes. It wasn't quite food, it wasn't quite BO... What WAS it?
School smelled fine to me.
2. Was there ever a mouse or rat invasion?
No, everything was kept pretty locked down.
I still remember the Great Mouse Hunt of 1994. I SWEAR I SAW IT.

3. Pick the oven that most closely resembles the oven in your school's Home Ec lab.
4. Did your school have a random overgrown field attached to it?
Yes, perfect for hiding in at lunch.
No, everything was nicely landscaped.
5. Did your school have several prefabs?
Eamonn Farrlell/RollingNews.ie
Eamonn Farrell/RollingNews.ie
6. Around how many computers were in your school's 'computer lab'?
What 'computer lab'?

Enough for a whole class of students
7. Did your school have one of these, which was wheeled about to each classroom as required?
No, each class had a telly
8. Pick the lockers that most resemble the ones in your school.
9. Did your school have an orchestra, or access to any musical instruments?
Yep, and we were really good too!
Actual LOL

A beautiful orchestra of first years playing recorders.
10. And finally - how far did you ever get on a school tour?
The local historical sites, down the road

An entirely different continent
Answer all the questions to see your result!
Eamonn Farrell/RollingNews.ie
You scored out of !
Your school wasn't grim at all!
A non-grim school! What was that like? Tell us.
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Eamonn Farrell/RollingNews.ie
You scored out of !
Your school had a hint of grimness.
Nowhere is perfect, right?
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Eamonn Farrell/RollingNews.ie
You scored out of !
Your school was fairly grim.
So there were a few prefabs. What of it? You got on.
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Eamonn Farrell/RollingNews.ie
You scored out of !
Your school was capital G Grim.
It had a funny smell and a mouse problem, but so what? You loved it.
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